Month: November 2023

  • Snatch Progression Video

    Simple Snatch Progression

    This is a simple snatch progression that helps a ton of people in understanding how to control the arc in their Kettlebell snatch. This will keep you from hitting your forearms on the kettlebell. Here’s a breakdown of the movements in the video: Practice the full progression and keep working, using small sets of snatches…

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  • Workhorse Sauna & Ice Therapy

    Sauna & Ice Therapy

    Our Structured Sauna & Ice Plunge Starts Sunday Good afternoon to all those interested in I just read through a literature review on the physiological responses to immersion into cold water. Although it appears to be consensus that cold immersion is show to help with circulation, other reported benefits may be more correlational than cause…

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  • Designing a Fitness Program

    Like the rest of life, health and fitness goals change over time. It’s often challenging to design a fitness program that addresses your lifestyle and fitness goals. And, as your fitness level improves or weakens, depending on where your are in life, you need to modify your program. That leaves you with the daunting task of…

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  • Strength Training for Life

    Strength Training – Worth the Time and Effort Need more validation and proof that strength training is worth the time and energy? After-all, weight training does cost you time, effort and recovery time. I thought I’d share this image from a study on active strength over the lifespan. In a study measuring the impact of…

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